 Tampon Test
  Ery Aggre
 Flow Velocity
 Ussing Chamber System

The actual design : Six vertical chambers simultaneously
Different kinds of Ussing Chambers for tissue or culture inserts
Metal Heating Block circulated by external thermostatically controlled water
Individual flowmeter or simple needle valve for each half chamber controlling the gas flow
Use of 0.8mm Ag/AgCl Glas-Electrodes
Small Outline 600 mm x 400 mm base plate

Additional Information: www.ussing-chamber.com

Microcomputer controlled Voltage / Current Clamp Electronic
for individual control of 6 Ussing Chambers

Notebook and Voltage/Current Clamp Interface

Voltage Clamp Hardware for Ussing Chamber System

Ussing Base Unit with Heatchanger and Gas Flow Controller

Ussing Chamber System with Gas Flow Controller

Electrode connectors

Heat changer with up to 6 Ussing Chambers

Base plate 800mm x 600mm

Ussing Chamber with cap and Ag/AgCl electrodes

Ussing Chamber closed by metal ring

Ussing Chamber in Base System without Heatchanger (used for experiments with cold water fish)

A cap holder is mounted behind the heatchanger taking the caps with electrodes between experiments

Caps with Ag/AgCl electrodes

Software allows monitoring of tissue parameters Pd, Rt/Gt and I

Software : Definition of Chamber Mode

Left      Selection of Ussing Chamber

Right   Selection of method

Selection of parameter set for dynamic Gt / Rt evaluation

Typical Curve of  Isc

Typical plot of Current I (µEq/hcm²)

Blue line indicates marker (substance application)

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